Thursday, August 30, 2007

On The Other Side

I've made it through the valley!

Man! This past week and a half or so has been tough (emotionally, mentally, and physically)! But I've made it through to the other side and I'm feeling good! I'm doing much better and going strong once again!
My diet has been slightly changed to include a high carb day in the rotation. Of course, my diet is subject to change on a daily basis depending on my body and progress. I am due for my next set of progress pics on Saturday morning. We will then see what kind of changes will be in store for me next. I have just 8 short weeks left before it's time to step on stage.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Overwhelming Frustration

After taking my progress pics on Saturday morning, my coach decided that it was time for a cheat meal. He agreed that my muscles were indeed flat and it was time to try to "fill them back up".

So for meal #5 I finally got to eat that pizza and chocolate I've been craving for several weeks!

I enjoyed it very much....even though I did feel a bit guilty eating all those bad calories. He also added 50 grams of carbs to meal #6...which was a big bowl of yummy oatmeal!
I actually had to force that down since I was still stuffed from my pizza and brownies!

I noticed no changes on Sunday, which has brought on
A LOT of frustration. I feel like I've hit a brick wall and I'm quite pissed off with the lack of progress. My coach is telling me that my feelings are normal for this stage in the game, but that doesn't comfort me at this point. He continues to stress that there have been changes and my progress is going good, but I'm just not feeling it. These feelings have actually started to consume me and I have this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. I'm battling with wanting to throw in the towel. I miss the focus being on building muscle and strength! THAT is what I love! Not this dieting myself to misery and tons of cardio...all to constantly manipulate my body for this reason or that! I'm left wondering.....Why am I doing this? Why am I putting myself through all this? Is this really worth it?

My diet has been adjusted for will be a very high carb day. He is hoping that will finally fill the muscles back up and I'm sure he is also hoping it will encourage me to stick with it, since I have voiced my feelings of frustration and wanting to quit. At this point, I'm really not convinced that having a positive sign will out-weigh the negatives that I know are still ahead.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Ups and Downs of Dieting!

This week has been a bit nuts!
It actually started on metabolism was up and I was crazy hungry. It was like I was feeding a bottomless pit! I also started losing a lot of water. My coaches adjusted my diet by adding 50 carbs to one of my meals (which was quite enjoyable, I must add).
Then I started feeling drained and by late Wednesday night, every muscle in my body was aching and tender. I had a lot of trouble sleeping that night as well. So yesterday I spent the day relaxing and recovering. By late last night, my muscles had become very flat. I'm told that I will remain in this state for a day or two more (when my body will make the most progress leaning out) and then they will adjust my diet again to allow me to "fill back up" and recover.
I'm definitely looking forward to that since it will more than likely include a cheat meal! YEAHH!!

Tomorrow is my next set of progress pics and weigh-in. My coaches will then evaluate and decide how soon I will need the high carb day and/or cheat meal.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Recovery Day

These pics were taken last night before we left the house for the gym. We worked chest and shoulders and then did 50 minutes of cardio on the stepmill.

Today is my day off from the gym, which couldn't have come at a better time! I actually feel as though I've been hit by a truck! Every muscle in my body is aching and hurting and I'm completely wiped out!
My coach says it's mainly from a bit of overtraining and to rest as much as possible today in order to recover.

Tonight we will be going to all of the kids' schools to meet their teachers and check out the schools. We will have to visit 3 different schools in an hour and a half time frame! That will be a challenge! But we are looking forward to a brand new school year for them....which starts early Monday morning!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Fun-filled Weekend!

What a busy weekend!

Tonight we went out to Bacliff to listen to County Road 101.
We had a lot of fun and they sounded fantastic!

The restaurant where they performed had a great atmosphere and the weather wasn't too bad either! I wish I could have tasted the food, cause it smelled delicious! Mmmmmm....mexican food is my favorite! But I was a good girl and brought my own food to eat. =)

Last night we were able to meet up with my coaches for a while. We had a lot of fun (as we usually do) and they were able to check up on my progress in person. Things are going good and everything seems to be on target! Tomorrow is my next set of progress pics as well as weighing in. So far nothing has really changed in my diet and workouts. Tomorrow I will start adding 15 minutes to my second cardio session each day (bringing them both to 50 minutes each). After my coaches review my progress pics from tomorrow, they will determine if anything else needs to change.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

A Day Off

Today was my day off from the weights and no cardio! I enjoyed the time off and was able to relax a bit. But it will be back to work first thing tomorrow morning!

We did my progress pics today instead of yesterday because of the camera situation. My good friend Jack, allowed me to borrow his digital camera while mine is sent to Kodak to be repaired/replaced. So now I won't be lost without one! Thank ya, sweetie! =)

I also checked my weight....lost another 3 pounds! I'm now waiting to hear back from my coaches to see if anything will change in my diet or cardio for the next 5 days.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Another Arm Day

Well, we took these lifting pics today to post, but it appears something is wrong with our digital camera (as you can tell from the pics when you view them larger). David contacted Kodak today and they gave him some suggestions to try before sending it in to be repaired/replaced (since it is still under warranty). In the mean time, a friend of mine has offered to let me borrow his. Hopefully I can get it from him sometime tomorrow. I take pictures almost daily. I don't think I could function without a camera!

Tomorrow is my next weigh-in and set of progress pics (hopefully I will be able to take them). My progress is still coming along fantastically! I'm getting more lean and more cut with each day. My clothes are getting too big and soon will have to buy new ones! I'm loving the transformation!

Friday, August 10, 2007

A Special Day

Today was my daughter's 12th birthday. We all went out to eat and met up with my husband's family as well. Then she and I did some birthday shopping later in the evening. It's amazing how fast they grow up! She is becoming such a beautiful young lady. Although, I'm still not looking forward to those teenage years!

Today was also progress picture day. I am now taking progress pictures every 5 days(along with weighing in), instead of once a week. My weight loss is up to 15 pounds after 5 weeks of pre-contest prep.

My progress seems to be coming along well. I have just over 11 weeks left, so I expect things to get quite intense from here on out. I plan to take it one day at a time and give everything I have each day. I'm excited to see the continued changes in my body as the result.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Got Arms???

Today was arm day. I got a good workout....even though I lifted alone. I wish David would have been there to get some pics of me pumped. Maybe next week he can take some pics while I'm working out. These pics were taken after my 45 minute session of cardio after weight I lost my pump.

I'm feeling so much better! I'm loving my new diet and each day I have more energy than the day before! I'm able to have great workouts, 2 sessions of cardio a day, and still have more than enough energy to do housework, errands, and keep up with the kids!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

A Night Out

Tonight my husband and I went out to hear my brother sing and play guitar. He is the lead vocalist in a band called County Road 101 (you can check them out at ). They are very good and we always enjoy hearing them play.
My brother, Jonny Gage, is very talented and has such a passion for performing. Whether he is singing a song written by another artist or one of his own, you are able to feel every word and every emotion. You can't help but know that he truly loves his music. I'm very proud of him and look forward to all the upcoming performances (including the Pasadena Rodeo on October 6th)!

My new coaches (Ramey and Karen) met up with us to hear
County Road 101 and to hang out for the evening. We had a BLAST! They are a lot of fun and we are really enjoying getting to know them.

While we were at the bar, the idea was mentioned of arm wrestling us buff women. So now the owners of the bar would like Karen and I to come back for such an event! Of course, we totally agreed...sounds like loads of fun!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Cardio Anyone???

My cardio now consists of a full sweat suit, hood over the head, and a sweat belt under my clothes! As you can imagine, I sweat like crazy! I'm doing 45-50 minutes first thing in the day on a high incline on the treadmill. Then in the evening after my weight training, I do another 40-45 minutes. As I get closer to competition, my cardio sessions will be much longer...and possibly include MORE layers!
Sounds like fun, huh? Cardio anyone???

Well, there will be no exciting fun Friday cheat meal tonight! My "mean" coaches have taken it away for now! So today is just another typical day...nothing special.
Everyone together now....Awwwww!! =(
They have told me that cheat meals will still be in my future. For now, we are just trying to get my body balanced, back to normal, and accustomed to the new diet. Believe me....I'm waiting for the green light! That chocolate bar in the freezer has been calling my name! =)

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Back to Me!

Man what a difference a diet can make!
I'm starting to feel like myself once again! I am able to do a lot more of my daily activities and my workouts are getting better as well. I hope that by the weekend, my workouts will be back to hardcore! I got my fat burners today. So hopefully that will add to my energy and most importantly....weight loss!